Sunday, October 26, 2008


umur camnh dah basuh baju bai, korang tgk? pemalas ah jea kita!

My mom woke me up at 7 am today. You wanna know why? Ohh and its not just me, its me and my brother. HAHA. Apparently my maid woke her up around 6.30 to tell her that the washing machine needs repairing and theres alot of baju that havent been washed, so my mom straight away woke up, and kejut us to basuh baju. HAHA. This is our first time washing clothes, we were shocked and sleepy -.- HAHA. We went down and to the back of the house and started washing, theres 4 standard of washing, first you have to rinse with water, second you have to brush it with soap and make sure that every inch of the shirt receive the soap, thirdly you have to rinse again so that the soap do not stick to the clothes and lastly the perah part. HAHA. Me and aie was like, wow this is so hard. HAHA, i mean come on its our first time wehh. For three hours we were at the back of the house washing clothes till its finished. Mann, it was like making food for ourselves, ohh wait food is much more easier. HAHA. Me and aie was so wet and sticky like air mani doe. HAHA. Serious shit kot, soap tu sticky and licin, hahaha. The floor was slippery, and wet and so are we, slippery and wet. Everything we hold slips out of our hand haha. It was so funny, then while washing the clothes we decided that we wash ourselves up as well HAHA just to make sure that sleepyness doesnt come near us HAHA. We had joy, we had fun but it was very exhausting. Talk about major hand breakdown HAHA. Believe it or not we have to do this thing till deepavalis over because all the electrical shops are closed for the holidays -.-.

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