Sunday, October 26, 2008


Im useless, you wanna know why? cause my auntie said so. Jyeahh, im useless. Im a burden to everyone, i dissapoint everyone and i crush everyone's heart. Yeah, thats me. Atleast my family said so. Mann, today was exhausting and irritating. My dad's side of the family came to the house. So yeah, we were all so kelam kabut preparing for their arrival, macam royalty siot dorang tu cuma tkda red carpet jea. HAHA. My mum was busy cooking tho shes pregnant, my dad was busy cleaning up the house and as for me and aie, we set up the tables and cleaning up the mess upstairs, in our room, papa's and nukman's. Ohh yeah nukman did nothing but watch tv the whole day. I hate him -.-Okay, hours later they arrived, wow it was really rather fascinating to see their so call dress ups and make ups. HAHA. They look good and here i thought my father's side was so boyan -.- HA HA HA. But they aren't theyre just kampung style i guess although tak tinggal kat kampung heh ;/ ahh yes the word is old. HAHA. They look so smashing and dashing and keling. My parents had a lot of fun when they came, they were gossiping, laughing, joking and kidding. Awww especially my dad, menggedik dgn adik and abang kakak dia ;p he looks so happy around them, im glad that they cheer him up because he was a lil bit grumpy this morning, hmm ;/ HAHA pfft whatevr, he didnt scold me or anything just that me and my broter can feel the lack of love in the house. HAHA. My dad is lacking of sleep, me and aie are lacking of love, nukman is lacking of attention and mama is lacking off eggs to make muffins. HAHA. Everybody was lacking of something and not just nothing and not evrything but somthing.


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