Sunday, October 26, 2008


This goes out to; the girl who has 32 posts.
HAHAHA, i love you more ;p
Youre my every single thing(:

Every word has a meaning,
Every step has a clue,
Every guy needs caring,
For mine is you(:

Every breath is to live,
Every thing has a purpose,
My love is to give,
To you i suppose.

My heart is yours,
Yours is mine,
I want to be yours,
I'll wait forever for i dont mind.

Love is a cute,
Love is blind,
Our love is more than cute,
As it makes us bind.

Im writing a blog,
It has you,
I can be your dog,
For whatever i wrote is so true.

Im sorry i broke my promises,
Im sorry to lose your trust,
Please baby i hate curses,
I dont want us to turn into dust.

Every people do sin,
Every people do good,
Our love is not sin,
For you bring me good.

Im a better person because of you, i love you!

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