Monday, October 27, 2008

Let it rock,

Woahh, today was so cool. I woke up at 3.30 am and had 13 missclls and 5 messages, man i was shocked. I slept at 12 and woke up at 3.30 and you know why? I was supposed to call mia at 12.30 but i fell asleep, gosh it was foolish of me. She was effing mad at me because she waited from 10 pm to talk to me and she stayed up till 2.40++ trying to wake me up. OMG, im such an asshole rght? I called her at 3.30 and she sounded pissed. I was really worried and sad but she didnt even care. She said that i am dsturbing her sleep. Yes i agree i am, but i just want her to say youre forgiven or i love you. Is that too much to ask? Apparently it is, how cam we say we love someone, when we doesnot, especially with her current mood at that time? i dont think so bebeh. Ohh she was really mad and pissed till she off her phone because of me. Im really sad and cant sleep after that, i didn't sleep at all as a matter of fact. I called and called wishing that she would on her phone, and talk to me but she didn't till 8 am. I was asking for eveyone's help, and the only person who woke up is natalia and izzat. They talked and listened to me in my misery, thanks guys, ily. Then at 8, she told me that i clled her for 85 times and 25 messages. Thats how much i love you and thats how far i would go for you bayy. We talked for awhile and she said that she loves me and forgives me, i was really happy but i can't sleep because my cousin came and jump on my bed to woke me up which i was up, HAHA. I came down, and my auntie was sitting at the dining table while eating puding -.- HAHA. My parents were all up at that time as they got something to do that morning. My brother was also up as he has basketball training. SO yeahh, i came down and eat breakfast, talk alil bit and took my bath. Then i waited for danny to come to the house as he wanted to lepak HHAHA. We had fun when he came, we run all over the house, making stupid jokes and talk about our girlfriend. We also talked about spending time together at kl with old friends, yeahh we miss old times. Danny is still with his stupid jokes. HAHA. I bought him topup which he has to send me five bucks and i ended up chasing him the whole neighbourhood. HAHA. later today, he went back and im exhausted, but im glad that mia is with me as she kept me happy the whole day, from morning till now. We talk about loads of stuffs and she is sooo adorable trust me she is, uww iloveyoub(:
so yeah thats for today, ciaoxx

I LOVE MIA fullstop

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