Saturday, October 25, 2008


HAHAHHAAHA, sms. Me and Mia were so hyper and loveable today. Aww(: HAHA. Dia ah tetiba loveydovey sume, i was like OMG whts wrng with her. Its been awhile since we're like that. Im so happy, she is too. We laugh and she said that i always make her laugh so easily, i was like realleaaayyhhh? I blushed and kept on blushing, haha. Then she said that im perfect to her, i was like awww(: and started to cry of terharu. HAHA. Yes yes yes, im a sissy, as missy said, im her little miss sissy, who is missy? Mia is ;D Yes baby, im you silly sissy but nt your missy okay? HAHA and im never gonna be one. Then then, she said im cute. HAHA, i mean wadefak? Why the sudden puji? I was like really melted when she told me that i was cute. Seriously, im not but she kept on saying that as if she really mean it. Ohh wait, she does. Thankss, now that causes tears of joy coming out of my eyes. HAHA. Again im her sissy, HAHA. She is so adorable auw, shes everything to me and im glad that shes mine(: i love you b. Last nght was also the bmb, she asked me which one do i prefer, baju kurung or kebaya. Then i told her kebaya, then she asked me, why do guys always goes for kebaya, and i said that kebaya nampak dalam and susuk tubuh badan. You know what she said? Nevermind i'll go with the baju kurung. HAHA. And her baju kurung was a very simple one. I told her lotsa times, anything looks good on her even rempits dressups but please dnt wear those rempits dressups, my parents and i dnt like it. HAHA. Rempits are so ewww and suicidal. If nak mati pn, die with honor lah, nh mati pacak kepala atas jalan. DUMBASS. Im so happy and hyper but im bored. Mia is currently studying for her finals, so she said that shes gonna leave her phone in her room and study at the study room. I trust her okay, i dont think shes gonna text anyoe else. So pleasee! Mann, i miss you eventho baru 20 mins. HAHA. To think of it, i miss you even if yre gone for a second. haha. Im proud of her, shes is really working hard for her finals so that she wont drop class. So, im as her boyfriend i have to show my support for her. GOGOGOGO MIAAA! GOGOGO ALE ALE ALE! Go MIA go ALE ALE ALE! haha.Heee(: i love you baby. MUAHHHHxx

missing mia ;D

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