Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I told you,

Dont you feel annoyed when you asked that person not to do it but she do it? Dont you get irritated when you tell them about the consequences but they just neglect it? Dont you hate to say i told you so when what you said would happen happened? Well, all of that is what i felt when i told this person that dont do it, dont accept, it'll break your heart more. BUT NOOOO! She said its her way of moving on, its her way to forget this guy, its her way to everything. This is just plain stupid, and you know what? It turns out that this is what her friend told her to do, and her friendship is at stake for doing it, and if she doesnt that bond will be gone. Well, good riddens! Your friend wont be asking you to do stupid things anymore, though you lose a friend but you gain honor and respect. So is that si bad? Why would you wanna be friends with people who would just ruined you? Gosh, if you wanna payback to a boy, then thats not the way for god heaven sake. Are you nuts? If you wanted revenge for what he did to you and you say you hate that kind of person, well baby youre just turning your bloody self into him and your heart and soul will be more painful than everhhh. Think about what i said, its not that i hate you, its just think for your own good sister


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