Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Hey persons ;p ,
I'm back friends(: yeah yeah yeahhh hell yeahh ;D, gosh i really miss onlining, i miss my blog, i miss my myspace, i miss my msn, i miss my ym and apparently i got facebook ;0 HAHA. I also didn't know i had that thing till today. I was gonna sign up for facebook because apparently lots of people have facebook, so feeling kinda left out and so yesterday HAHA, i went to facebok and sign up. Apparently the email i entered for facebook has already been used by another person, so i requested for reset password and and and and guess what? the person using the email at facebook is me, HAHA. I was shock and feeling kinda blurr. So i sign in to my account and there it goes, my picture wearing melawati school uniform. HAHA. It was a long time ago, that picture was middle lst year. Wowzaaaa! HAHA. Though i got facebook, i dont think i'll be onlining it that much. Same goes to myspace and blogspot, lately im feeling kinda week and lazy. Its been 10 days and a week since ilast onlined, so throughout those 17 days, i learned that onlining aint that interesting nor makes you feel happy. Maybe PORN and MUSIC makes me feel happy, but not myspace or blogspot or facebook. These things just mess you up and makes you addicted to it till theres nothing more important than it, well i got news, myspace and blogspot and facebook makes you addictive to it until your studies and loved ones are neglected by you. So, think thoroughly to what i said as its trueeeeee. HEYHEYHEYY, im gnna be sticking to bloggie doggie today ;p


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