Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Messed up, like my room when theres family or friends gathering.
Fucked up, like quarreling with family or friends.
Miserable, like life has no turning at all.

Look at our past shit head, doesnt it all means anything at all to you? For 3 to 4 years i have been friends with you, stick beside you, stayed with you, and treated you like youre one of my family members plus my family even like you and kept asking about you and you do this to me? What the hell in the world do you think i am? Am i not mean anything to you? The love, the care, the help and the backup that ive given you, is it not enough? Still, you throw me away like im some kind of pebble, im some kind of stone, im some kind of ball that can be played and throw everywhere. Im not some guy that you find along streets, im not some guy working for that garbage company. Godddd, im your friend that has been beside you since he is in form1. I helped you with cases and fights, i even swallon and bruise because of you goddammit. Dont you care about all that? And now youre blaming me for everything? And you called a betrayer? What the fuck is wrong with you? I never betrayed you, its not me being on the wrong side, its you! You followed your girlfriend eventhough she is known that she is full of tricks and lies, full of ideas on how to trick people. Cant you see youre being played? then you without hesitation or confirmation called my girlfriend a backstabber for stabbing your girlfriend? Come on mann, its not mine who backstabbed yours, its yours who backstabbed mine! How dare you say that to me and at my girlfriend, i know we have to protect our girlfriend but why are you protecting a liar? A cheater? A backstabber? Why why why why? For all we know, one day your girlfriend is gonna leave you and when you look back at the past, you'll see that youre wrong and has always been wrong. I just hope for the decision you made yesterday, there is no regret. Oh and btw, i cried for two days plus i cant even sleep because of you and knowing that im not important after all i did for you. Takecare FRIEND. It was a pleasure knowing you, it was an excitement hanging with you and it was certainly fun playing with you.


p/s: Your girlfriend is a sick minded, whore, bitch, backstabber, bigfatliar, filthymouth and an asshole!

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