Thursday, November 20, 2008


Wednesday, 19th November 2008.

OHMYGODDD, yesterday was probably the most amesomest day everhhhhhhh. It was cute and adorable. It was terrific and fantastic. It was the BOMB! Hell Yeahh! Gosh how i wish yesterday never ends. Its the most happiest day of my entire life and it is the most wonderful moments ever in the history of my fucking life. It was indescribable, it was unexplainable, it was truly remarkable. It was amazing and fun, it was exhausting although theres no sun, it was happening but now i guess its done. Yesterday, wednesday, 19th november 2008 was the day that i, IMAN SHUKUR finally meet my adorable little wifey MIA ISMAIL anddd my bestfriend SHAZANA HAPIZ and her yesterday is soon to be but today is already her boyfriend, ZAID HAKIMI. Congratulations to you both, may you guys last long or maybe even orever and ever(: SO here how it started off,

I was woke up by Mia at around 8 o'clock. Man, i was so excited about yesterdayy, i was so excited about meeting her. So yeah, i got up and had my breakfast. Around 10+ i took my bath and got ready to see my baby. yeah yeah yeahhhhhhh bebehhhhh. My brother and my dad did same thing too, only they're not gonna meet their baby. HAHA. So at around 11+ i left the house with my dad and my brother, he dropped me at wangsa maju light rail transit station, and from there i went to kl central to meet my babyboo(: So yeah, i bought the ticket to kl central and since my brother is with me, he had to come along and see his sister in law. BAHAHA.

When me and my brother arrived at kl central, i straight away texted mia. When we came out of the station, there she was with her not fat at all body, her nice hair and her adorable face. So yeah, without hesitation at all i come to her, she reached out her hand, and without a moment to lose, i kissed her hand and give her a tight hug. I hold her quite awhile and never ever wants to let go. Its like im holding an angel who is bringing me up to heaven. You understand? its like we'll tend to hold her as long as we can, afraid to let go because if we let go, we might lose her and we will never brought up to heaven. Thats how i felt, an angel she is, an angel that i have been waiting to meet for so long. Im so happy i met her, i kept on talking and talking oh and not to forgot, shazz and zaid hakimi was there too. They are the reason Mia could make it there, thank you soo much korang<33 Let me describe both of them, they both are thin, zaid is a lil bit shorter than me and shazzy is a lil bit shorter than mia, overall they make a cute couple(: awwwww. After we the meeting, HAHA. I bought ticket for me and my brother as mia, shazz and zaid has bought theirs earlier but mia stayed with me and accompany to buy the tickets while zaid and my brother and shazzy went to buy a box of cigars. You know, from central to klcc i kept hugging and kissing mia even more and i kept telling how much i lovve her and i wont ever let her go. Shes staying with me forever dumbfucks!

Oh later on, we're at klcc. Yeayyy(: we straight away went to the entrance at the park because my brother and zaid wanted to smoke. Oh and btw, my brothers name is aie. HAHA. Forgot all about his name ;o while we were waiting aie and zaid to finish smoking, i met my friend apek. He's there with his girlfriend rinieyy, how they look so tall together. HAHA. Then, he and his gf decided to join us to watch a movie. We watched a korean language movie called GP506. GP stands for guide post i think. We bought tickets and popcorns but didnt actually watched the movie. HAHA. Me and mia were busy doing something else, apek and his gf too but shazzy and zaid were really concentrating on the movie. At first, the movies had lights tunr on, what a turn off for us, but then apek got really irritated and screamed and i quote "babilah, tutuplah lampu, nak buat MAKSIAT pon susah!" HAHA. Everybody was laughing thier heads off. Then apek went to the maintanence manager office and asked him to turn room 12 lights off. And the guy turned it off, everybody gave apek an applause.
HAHA. It was really quite fun being in the cinema, seriously. HAHA. The next time i go into a cinema, i want it to be with the same guys and girls. Wehad joy, we had fun(: yeay yeay yeay hip hip hoorayy. HAHA. Then later when the movie ended, we decided to go to pavi to meet zan as he kept asking about his birthday present(:

So we went to pavi, all six of us. Aie is already there with his friends as he left us before going in the cinema. It was raining, so i became an umbrealla for mia, shazzy said both of us are cute, aww(: thank you. Me and mia were dancing in the rain while walking to pavi HAHAH. At pavi we met zannnn, its been awhile since i last met him. Me and mia straight away asked him what he wants for his birthday. We asked him if he wants a belt, he said no then he looked at my arm and said, i want a bangle. HAHA. And so we followed him to search for a bangle at pavi, and finally we found the shop. Its called PHILOSOPHY and zan chooses his bangle, zan bangle nk yang mahal jea HAHA. So me and mia both shared the money and bought the bangle. Trust me its not cheap at all the bangle, HAHA but i guess for zan its worth it. I miss him alot and i know mia misses him too. Im glad that i could brought mia to see him. Oh and then after buying presents for zan, he brought us to rooftop bb to meet nima and zawir pula. HAHA. Man everybody was tired but we kept on going. HAHA.

At rooftop, after a long journey of walking exploring the beautifulness of kuala lumpur and bukit bintang ;p atlast we met nima and zawir and others which i dont know who -.- HAHA. We thought of having a meal there but it was raining earlier and the place was quite wet so we were there for about 5 minutes and we walked to klcc back. On the way back, again me and mia were dancing and i actually lift mia up, yeay me ;D HAHA. I tried earlier at rooftop but takboleh auu, but this time different position and i did it. HAHA. She was kinda heavy but dont get me wrong, i swear to god that she is nothing near to fat. She admit it yesterday that isnt fat, HAHA. Although i am fat, im fat, fatter, fattest HAHA. When we finally arrived at klcc, we walked at the center of the klcc and i without any hesitation, screamed I LOVE MIA ISMAIL and SHES MY ADORABLE GIRLFRIEND YEAY :D HAHA. Im becoming crazy for you babyyy. Oh well, we all know that(: and so we went to topshop and let shazz and zaed spend time together a delifrance as they were starving. Me and mia went to search for a dress there and then we moved on to delifrance to meet with shazz and zaid. Sadly, my dad called me and asked me to come home. Hmm ;/ and so i left mia with zaid and shazz. I gave mia one last long kiss and i took off, i took off with tears falling as i dont yesterday to ever end, i felt so happy that mia's lips can still be tasted till today, her soft hands and her arms around me can still be felt. All those moments we had yesterday, every single thing that we did, every single thing that we said is still playing in my mind. My hands are shaking, my heart is beating faster than ever and my body is shivering, oh my shes like an angel, probably she is an angel. An angel that is sent to me to takecare of me, to love me and to spend an eternity with me. Although those moments did end, but our love and care for each other will never end, will never fade and will always be forever. Thanks for making it real. Thanks for everything guysss. I love you Mia Ismaill, i love you, i love you!

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